Here comes the Easter bunny!

So today the “Easter bunny” came to visit. We all got candy (duh) but no jelly beans (?), We got kits to grow a little plant in, and also a stuffed animal. I got a cow, which if you don’t already know this, I have an obsession with cows (they’re SO CUTE! I love them soooo much!).

We went to church today, which was fun. All of the little kids got some candy, which led to a very interesting car ride home >.

Later we’ll be sending a call out to all of the relatives. We’re trying to get this link out to all of the family so they can stalk us and see how we’re doing and what we are up to!

I’ve been getting lots of views from the U.S. as well as Australia, the UK, and France! Which I’m very excited about! Hopefully my wonderful readers will spread the word about this blog to their wordpress friends and help me out!
Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Dentist’s…..oh joy

Some of the family has to go to the dentist this morning, lucky for me I didn’t get dragged along. I can only imagine how much fun my dad is having there while I’m cozy at home with Netflix and my blogs
(My other blog url is-

Adventures in the magical land of goodwill

Me and the family took a fun little trip in our new 8 passenger mini van down to our local goodwill
There was some pretty good stuff there, I got a cure black dress to wear for a comedy monologue I’m performing in a few days!
The kids all got some toys and stuff like that
Seem like me and mom are still the only two who cares more about clothes, lol

At the end of the day…..

In a house filed with eight people things can make you want to laugh, cry, or scream. Days are filled with screams and silly spats. Tears will fall and time outs will be given, but a mid all the chaos is the occasional adorable cuddling moment.